#1 My hospital has designated itself as a _____________________ level for pediatric emergency and acute care.
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. General
D. Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Center (CPRC)

#2 Where can I find a copy of the interpretive guidelines for the pediatric emergency care rules and regulations?
A.  From my Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Center Coordinator.
B.  From the TN EMSC website.
C. Both

#3 I transported a child to a comprehensive regional pediatric center (CRPC) recently. I had a question and wanted to review the care the child received. Is there someone I can call that is familiar with the pre-hospital setting?
A. There is no one to call.
B. I can call the receiving ED.
C. Each comprehensive regional pediatric center (CRPC) has a coordinator to address your questions and concerns.

#4 What information should my hospital collect to be in compliance with rule 1200-8-30.03g regarding requiring data collection at emergency care facilities?
A. The number of all patient transports by EMS to your facility.
B. The number of completed run tickets per state guidelines.
C. Only the number of pediatric patients transported.
D. A & B

#5 What type of traction device is required to meet the equipment guidelines in the pediatric care rules and regulations?
A. A manufactured device that is capable of providing traction on a femur fracture in a child that is greater than 2 years.
B. A manufactured device that is capable of providing traction on a femur fracture on any size child.
C. Any improvised immobilization devise is sufficient to stabilize pediatric fractures.

# 6 Does an infant warmer meet the criteria for a warming device in the rules and regulations?
Yes or No

# 7 Where can I get information for pediatric education?
A. Check the yellow pages.
B. Clink the Education link on the TN EMSC website

# 8 Can someone come to my facility or EMS agency to do a mock code?
Yes or No

# 9 I am a new emergency department manager and I need help understanding how to develop my pediatric facility notebook.  I know that the comprehensive regional pediatric center (CRPC) has a coordinator to answer my questions, but which one do I have an education agreement with?
A.    East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
B.    Methodist LeBonheur Children’s Hospital
C.    Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
D.    T. C. Thompson Children’s Hospital

The next questions involve the differences between the levels of pediatric emergency care:

# 10  Which level of pediatric emergency care has 24 hour in-house respiratory therapists?
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. General

# 11. Which level of pediatric emergency care has 24 hour in-house emergency physician presence?
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. General

# 12. Which level of pediatric emergency care can stabilize and transport acutely-ill children?
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. General

#13. Which level of pediatric emergency care has a full range of pediatric subspecialty support?
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. General

#14. Which level of pediatric emergency care has minimal inpatient and surgical capabilities for pediatric patients?
A. Basic
B. Primary
C. General